Subject Areas
Language and Literature
All ESMS students take Language & Literature in Years I, II, and III (grades 6, 7 and 8). These courses align with California standards for Language Arts and aim to develop students' reading, writing, listening and communication skills. By the end of the course, students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of oral, written and visual communication and how it pertains to the real world. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP Assessment Criteria:
A: Analyzing
B: Organizing
C: Producing Text
Using Language
All ESMS students participate in Math during Years I, II, and III (grades 6-8) navigating various branches of mathematical study. Math courses align with the California standards and aim to allow for increasing opportunities for students to explain their mathematical thinking, conduct mathematical investigations, and apply math to real life contexts. Students participate in Math Year I (grade 6), Math Year II, and may participate in Algebra, Math Year III, or Geometry in Grade 8. Opportunities for accelerated classes are available at every grade level. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP Mathematics Assessment Criteria:
A: Knowledge and Understanding
B: Investigating Patterns
C: Communicating
D: Applying Mathematics in Real Life Contexts
During the course of study at ESMS, students participate in a continuum of science learning Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science and principles of Design and Engineering. Each course aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards. Teachers emphasize development of scientific skills and concepts while instilling an understanding of personal, social and global awareness, and an understanding of how science can serve as a tool to address a variety of personal, social and global issues. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP Sciences Assessment Criteria:
A: Knowing and Understanding
B: Inquiring and Designing
C: Processing and Evaluating
D: Reflecting on the Impacts of Science
Individuals & Societies
ESMS students develop a global understanding of their current world by studying a continuum of subjects beginning with Ancient World Civilizations in Year I, the Medieval World in Year II, and US History in Year III. Courses align with the California framework for Social Studies and incorporate Common Core literacy standards. Throughout the Middle Years Programme, students develop a conceptual understanding of the world, while learning how to utilize a variety of tools including research, analysis, interpretation and communication. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP assessment criteria:
A: Knowing and Understanding
B: Investigating
C: Communicating
D: Thinking Critically
ESMS students take an Arts course each year of the MYP. They experience both Visual Arts and a Performing Arts courses during their education at ESMS. The MYP Arts courses aim to encourage students to explore, experience, understand, and appreciate the arts across time and cultures. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP Arts Assessment Criteria:
A: Knowledge and Understanding
B: Developing Skills
C: Thinking Creatively
D: Responding
Performing Arts
Beginning Band
Beginning Band is a music class designed for students who have little or no musical training on a wind instrument including flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, oboe, bassoon, alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, euphonium, or tuba.
Daily rehearsals in class and daily practice outside of class are some of the requirements for the course. Mandatory performances are traditionally held in late fall/early winter and early/late spring. Curriculum is based on the Standards of Excellence Series - Red Book and selected literature that is aligned with California state standards.
Upon completion of this course, musician will be able to compose, play and perform basic major scales including B flat, E flat, F, A flat and the chromatic scale. Additionally, musician will be able to demonstrate and perform a solo in the style of Bach.
Intermediate Band – The Wave
Intermediate Band is a music class designed for students who have limited musical training (at least one year) on a wind instrument including flute, clarinet, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, oboe, bassoon, alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, euphonium, or tuba.
Daily rehearsals in class and daily practice outside of class are some of the requirements for the course. Mandatory performances are traditionally held in late fall/early winter and early/late spring. Curriculum is based on the Standards of Excellence Series - Blue Book and selected literature that is aligned with California state standards.
Upon completion of this course, musician will be able to compose, play and perform basic major scales and their corresponding minor scales including B flat, E flat, F, A flat and the chromatic scale - in two octaves. Additionally, musician will be able to demonstrate and perform a solo in the style of Bach and/or an All-State level solo. Typically musicians will compete in one band competition in late spring.
Concert Band – Aqua Tunes
Advanced Band is a music class designed for students who have at least two years of formal training on a wind instrument including flute, clarinet, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, oboe, bassoon, alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, euphonium, or tuba
Daily rehearsals in class and daily practice outside of class are some of the requirements for the course. Mandatory performances are traditionally held in late fall/early winter and early/late spring. Curriculum is based on the Standards of Excellence Series - Green Book and selected literature that is aligned with California state standards.
Upon completion of this course, musician will be able to compose, play and perform basic major scales and their corresponding minor scales including B flat, E flat, F, A flat and the chromatic scale - in two octaves, as well as related but lesser played scales. Musician will be able to demonstrate and perform a solo in the style of Bach and/or an All-State level solo. Typically musicians will compete in one band competition in late spring.
Beginning Guitar / Intermediate Guitar
Musicians will explore parts of the instrument, string designations, tuning, elements of rhythm, music styles (folk, bass line, strumming, blues, classical, and rock) and chord progressions. Students will learn how to read music and compose music for the instrument. More advanced skills include developing unique chord progressions and composing music collaboratively.
Crescendo and Festival Choirs
Crescendo and Festival Show Choirs are composed of a select group of auditioned 6th-8th graders who sing popular music, show tunes, and classical music on stage. The choirs attend festivals in Los Angeles County and perform throughout the year in varies performances in El Segundo. The students audition by singing a song and completing a dance audition to be placed in festival choir. Music theory, ear training, composition, music history, and singing is the main focus of the choirs. The courses move at a fast pace and students learn 4-8 songs per semester. Any student is able to audition. Auditions are held in May and June of each school year. Incoming 6th graders interested can be auditioned through appointments.
Musical Theatre/Musical Theatre Tech Design
Students will learn basic music theatre skills while preparing for a musical theatre performance. Later in the year, students will write, produce and perform original plays. Students learn elements of successful stage performance and production.
Public Speaking for Leadership
Public Speaking for Leadership is open to ESMS 7th and 8th graders. During the course, students explore the art of public speaking including speech composition and oratory. Students also participate in service and leadership projects.
iMusic is designed for students of all levels of musical experience. This class is an introduction to the use of computers and iPads in music performance, composition, production, and notation. Mandatory performances are held in early winter and late spring. Upon completion of this course, musicians will be able to compose, arrange, and perform a variety of musical styles including classical, pop-rock, folk, and multi-media (film, video, radio, and television). Throughout the course, students will be evaluated on the Middle Years Programme objectives including Knowledge and Understanding, Application, Reflection and Evaluation, and Personal Engagement as documented by developmental workbooks of their progress.
Beginning Strings and String Orchestra
The beginning and intermediate string classes are performance ensembles. Students will have the opportunity to learn a string instrument such as violin, viola, or cello. We will work to attain high levels of tone quality, intonation, creative expression, musicianship, ensemble playing and music theory. During the year we will rehearse and perform a variety of musical styles accurately and expressively with good tone quality. This will be achieved through large ensemble rehearsals. Students will strengthen these skills through regular home practice. Throughout the course, students will be evaluated on the Middle Years Programme objectives including Knowledge and Understanding, Application, Reflection and Evaluation, and Personal Engagement as documented by their developmental workbooks.
Visual Arts
Visual Arts I
Visual Arts I is designed for students who have little or no training in art production coupled with art history and written expression. Daily sketches in class and daily practice outside of class are some of the requirements for this course. Mandatory assignments include the use of several mediums including clay, chalk, paper, pencil, marker, watercolor, oil paints and photography. Each trimester the students also have to research projects that require the understanding of either an art period or the artist of choice.
Visual Arts II
Visual Arts II is designed for students who have completed Visual Arts I or demonstrate an advanced understanding of visual arts principles. Assignments expand and deepen visual arts concepts taught in Visual Arts I and challenge students to explore complex artistic styles. Students engage with the community to beautify their surroundings.
Art and Photography
This course serves as an introduction to photography. Students will explore the 6 “Elements of Art” through the ‘lens’ of photography. Students will gain an appreciation for photography as an art medium. Students will receive an introduction to the basics of photography. Students will be exposed to the history of photography. Students will learn to plan for successful photographs. Students will experience the process of taking, cropping, editing, manipulating, uploading, downloading, printing, & displaying their photographs. Students will capture a variety of images of architecture, landscapes, still lifes, and portraits using photography. Students will establish a portfolio of their own photographs. Students will earn the privilege & responsibility of using the school’s iPads.
Language Acquisition - Spanish
Spanish classes at the Middle School level aim to develop oral communication, writing and reading skills in a second language. We offer Spanish as the second language at ESMS including Spanish Phase I, Spanish Phase II, Spanish Phase III and Advanced Spanish. Students who complete these courses are eligible for continuing on to the next level if the course completion exam is passed. Students must take Spanish in each year of the program. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP Language Acquisition Assessment Criteria:
A: Comprehending Spoken and Visual Text
B: Comprehending Written Text
C: Communicating in Response to Spoken, Written, and Visual Text
D: Using Language in Spoken and Written Form
Physical and Health Education
ESMS believes in the importance of developing mental, physical and emotional health to facilitate student learning and promote a positive school climate. Students participate in Physical Education daily in Years I, II, and III (grades 6-8). Teachers emphasize development of physical education knowledge as well as body movement, physical performance and development of social skills. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP Physical Education Assessment Criteria:
A: Knowing and Understanding
B: Planning for Performance
C: Applying and Performing
D: Reflecting and Improving Performance
ESMS integrates Design into the Sciences in order to make learning most meaningful for students. Teachers challenge students to solve technical and real world problems using the design cycle which aligns with many Next Generation Science engineering principles. ESMS teachers are trained in Project Lead the Way and implement modules to emphasize design thinking. A variety of assessment tasks will be evaluated throughout the year based on the following MYP Design Assessment Criteria:
A: Inquiring and Analyzing
B: Developing Ideas
C: Creating the Solution
D: Evaluating