Welcome (Back) to ESMS! We are busily preparing for a fantastic 2024-2025 school year!
6 months ago, Sarah Davlantis
Welcome 7/8
Welcome 6th
Vehicle Registration Program! Be sure to check the link under Students for more info. Consider connecting with one of our e-bike safety course partners, E-Bike Sense or Pedal Ace for your class. E-Bike Sense offers courses on our campus! Be safe, Bulldogs!
7 months ago, Sarah Davlantis
PE Waiver Program updated! Check the link under Students on the website for more info! Be sure to upload your completed forms here: https://forms.gle/jLoG1VgCx65HMrms8
7 months ago, Sarah Davlantis
Along with Spirit Week, let's show the love for our community with our class competition canned food drive!
about 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
Canned Food Drive
ESMS Kindness Week is next week! Let's all show Bulldog Pride and dress up everyday!
about 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
It's Red Ribbon Spirit Week next week! Let's show Bulldog Pride and dress up next week!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
Congratulations to our Little League World Series CHAMPION Bulldogs! We're so proud of you and can't wait to celebrate you!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
While we definitely missed our LLWS Bulldogs yesterday, they do have a good excuse for missing their first day! Good luck in the game tonight! We're cheering for you!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
It's time to get ready for school to start! *7th & 8th Grade Bulldogs: Schedules will be ready to view online only on Wednesday, 8/16 at 9am. *6th Grade and New Bulldogs: Join us for WEB on Thursday, 8/17 from 9am-12pm to get your schedule, iPad and learn about all things ESMS! *New and 6th Grade Parents: Join us Thursday, 8/17 from 5-6pm for Parent Orientation.
over 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
WELCOME 2 23-24
Welcome 23-24
Attention Incoming 6th Grade and New to ESUSD students! Please see this flyer for important summer dates, as well as a sign-up for the math placement test (https://forms.gle/qPLZQKV22cVHCXAr5). The math placement test is only for new to ESUSD students. We look forward to welcoming you to campus soon! #IBelongESMS
over 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
ESMS Summer 2023
Congrats to our ESMS Girls Soccer Team who won their championship game yesterday! Well done, Bulldogs! #IBelongESMS
over 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
Incoming 6th Grade Parents! Info night on Tuesday, 5/30 from 5-6pm. Come learn about ESMS! #IBelongESMS
over 1 year ago, Sarah Davlantis
Good morning! Our campers are a waking up in a beautiful snow globe! #ossweek2take2 #IBelongESMS
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
The weather has been beautiful. Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes dinner after a 7 hour day put on the trail. Kids are having a blast and getting ready for their night hike. #IBelongESMS #ossweek2take2
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
Great first day at camp! #IBelongESMS #week2take2
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
8th Graders! Choir Auditions are on Friday! See post for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
choir 2
Please come join us for Matilda, Jr! Cast A performs Sunday, 4/23 and Tuesday, 4/25. Cast B performs Monday, 4/24 and Wednesday, 4/26. All shows are at 6pm in Bulldog Hall. Tickets available here: https://esmsca.booktix.com/index.php
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
We can't wait to welcome parents/guardians to ESMS on Thursday, 4/20. Please see the schedule on our website for performances by our Bulldogs. #IBelongESMS
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
ESMS Open House
Please see this info for ESHS Cheer next year for our 8th graders!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
ESHS Cheer
We hope all of our Bulldogs and their families have a restful and relaxing Spring Break! School resumes Monday, 4/10/23. #IBelongESMS
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Davlantis
Spring Break23